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Search Terms: VLA

Showing results 211 - 220 of 236
The VLA 11
Astronomers’ DIY Project Reopening Window on the Universe
May 31, 1999 at 2:42 pm | News Release

A team of astronomers has revealed tantalizing new information about the explosions of massive stars, the workings of galaxies with supermassive black holes at their centers, and clusters of galaxies.

Graphic illustrating XTE J1748-288's jet
Superfast Cosmic Jet Hits the Wall
January 9, 1999 at 3:40 pm | News Release

A superfast jet of subatomic particles presumably powered by the gravitational energy of a black hole has collided with nearby material, been slowed dramatically and released much of its energy in the collision, radio astronomers report.

Rotating Disk around Young, Massive Star
January 8, 1999 at 3:40 pm | News Release

Astronomers using radio telescopes in New Mexico and California have discovered a giant, rotating disk of material around a young, massive star, indicating that very massive stars as well as those closer to the size of the Sun may be circled by disks from which planets are thought to form.

Spectacular Structure in Distant Galaxy
January 7, 1999 at 3:37 pm | News Release

Researchers using the National Science Foundation’s Very Large Array radio telescope have imaged a spectacular and complex structure in a galaxy 50 million light-years away.

Combined optical-radio image of the quasar IRAS 17596+4221 and a companion galaxy
Nearby Quasars Come From Galactic Encounters
December 29, 1998 at 3:17 pm | News Release

Astronomers using the National Science Foundation’s Very Large Array radio telescope have found previously unseen evidence that galaxy collisions trigger energetic quasar activity in relatively nearby galaxies.

Miller Goss
Radio Telescopes Joined by Longest Fiber-optic Link on Record
December 15, 1998 at 3:15 pm | Announcement

Scientists and engineers at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) have made a giant leap toward the future of radio astronomy by successfully utilizing the Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope in conjunction with an antenna of the continent-wide Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) using the longest fiber-optic data link ever demonstrated in radio astronomy.

Graphic depicting water masers in protoplanetary disk
Smallest Solar System-like Disk Yet Found
October 23, 1998 at 2:12 pm | News Release

The smallest protoplanetary disk ever seen rotating around a young star has been detected by an international team of astronomers using the National Science Foundation’s Very Large Array radio telescope.

Images of SGR 1900+14
Cosmic Flasher Reveals All!
September 25, 1998 at 2:11 pm | News Release

Astronomers have found evidence for the most powerful magnetic field ever seen in the universe. They found it by observing a long-sought, short-lived afterglow of subatomic particles ejected from a magnetar — a neutron star with a magnetic field billions of times stronger than any on Earth and 100 times stronger than any other previously known in the Universe.

Protoplanetary disks in L1551
Potential Planetary System Around Close Stellar Pair
September 23, 1998 at 2:09 pm | News Release

Planets apparently can form in many more binary-star systems than previously thought, according to astronomers who used the National Science Foundation’s Very Large Array radio telescope to image protoplanetary disks around a close pair of stars.

Gamma-ray Burst 980329
Origin of Gamma-ray Bursts in Short-Lived Stars
June 9, 1998 at 2:06 pm | News Release

Radio telescope studies of the fiery afterglow of a Gamma Ray Burst have provided astronomers with the best clues yet about the origins of these tremendous cosmic cataclysms since their discovery more than 30 years ago.

Showing results 211 - 220 of 236