Looking back at the science news released by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) in 2014, the staff scientists at NRAO selected what they believe are the top 10 stories based on both scientific impact and public interest.
“These ‘top ten’ are just a small sampling of the myriad ways in which the state-of-the-art NRAO facilities are enabling forefront research by the astronomical community,” said NRAO Chief Scientist Chris Carilli. “Using new telescopes, instrumentation, and techniques, facilitated by the NRAO, U.S. and international astronomers are addressing the most pressing problems in planet, star, and galaxy formation, fundamental physics and cosmology, and astrochemistry and biology, while finding some real surprises along the way!”
#10 Image Release: Starbursting in the Galaxy M82
#9 Remarkable White Dwarf Star Possibly Coldest, Dimmest Ever Detected
#8 Newly Identified Galactic Supercluster Is Home to the Milky Way![]() |
#7 Planet-forming Lifeline Discovered in a Binary Star System![]() |
#6 Orion Rocks! Pebble-size Particles May Kick Start Planet Formation![]() |
#5 Swarms of Pluto-size Objects Kick Up Dust around Adolescent Sun-Like Star
Astronomers using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) may have detected the dusty hallmarks of an entire family of Pluto-size objects swarming around an adolescent version of our own Sun. By making detailed observations of the protoplanetary disk surrounding the star known as HD 107146, the astronomers detected an unexpected increase in the concentration of millimeter-size dust grains in the disk’s outer reaches. This surprising increase, which begins remarkably far — about 13 billion kilometers — from the host star, may be the result of Pluto-size planetesimals stirring up the region, causing smaller objects to collide and blast themselves apart. |
#4 Pulsar in a Stellar Triple System Makes Unique Gravitational Laboratory![]() |
#3 New Radar Images Uncover Remarkable Features below the Surface of the Moon: Sea of Serenity and Aristillus Crater
#2 Radio Telescopes Settle Controversy over Distance to Pleiades![]() |
#1 Birth of Planets Revealed in Astonishing Detail in ALMA’s ‘Best Image Ever’![]() |
Contact: Charles Blue
(434) 296-0314; cblue@nrao.edu