Cropped RA Section of ESM Allocation Chart

What is Electromagnetic Spectrum Management?

Electromagnetic Spectrum Management (ESM) is the process of managing the use of radio spectrum in order to minimize harmful interference while ensuring that the spectrum is used most efficiently and with the greatest benefit. The means by which spectrum management endeavors to implement its goals are: allocation of frequency bands to radio services; writing rules for the compatible use of allocated bands; and making interference-free frequency assignments to individual transmitters within the allocated frequency bands. Effective spectrum management is becoming increasingly important as the use of wireless communication explodes.

Learn More

A mechanical drawing of the ASM-2 enclosure.


Learn about how NRAO is implementing Spectrum Management

Screenshot Superknova Website

Educational Resources

Resources for those looking to learn and teach ESM

ASM-1 at Green Bank Observatory

Technical Links

Tools for professionals in ESM

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