Visitors to the Green Bank Science Center shift the alignment of mirrors to simulate the GBT’s adjustable surface panels.
Spinning a Pulsar Exhibit
In the Green Bank Science Center, visitors can spin up a model of a pulsar to hear how its “pulse” changes.
School Groups in Green Bank
The Green Bank Science Center has over a dozen hands-on activities for children of all ages. School groups that visit enjoy teamwork exhibits.
In the Heat of the Moment
The most popular hands-on exhibit at the Green Bank Science Center is the infrared camera. Visitors can see themselves in heat waves, and folks love to marvel at how strange they and their friends and family appear in the usually-invisible light.
Where is the Focus?
All of our radio telescopes’ dishes are shaped into parabolas, because a parabola reflects waves to a precise focus. In the Green Bank Science Center, visitors can experiment with a parabolic mirror to try to find its exact focus.
Safe Solar Observing at the Green Bank Science Center
During Open Houses at the Green Bank Science Center, visitors can safely view the Sun through specially-filtered telescopes. An “itty-bitty” radio telescope is also observing the Sun at the railing.