Artist's impression of Titan

ALMA and Titan

Archival ALMA data have confirmed that molecules of vinyl cyanide reside in the atmosphere of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon. In a liquid methane environment, vinyl cyanide may form membranes.

3D image of molecules in SN 1987A

Knots of New Molecules in Heart of Exploded Star

Astronomers using ALMA data created a 3-D image of molecules forged in the remnant of a supernova, SN 1987A. The purple areas indicate the location of silicon monoxide (SiO) molecules. The yellow area is the location of carbon monoxide (CO) molecules. The blue ring is actual Hubble data (hydrogen, or H-alpha) that has been artificially expanded into 3-D.

Still from simulation of galaxy collision

Data Visualization with Blender

Visualizations of astronomical data including: stellar winds from a Wolf-Rayet star moving through the galactic center, a galaxy collision with data generated by GADGET-2, and a protoplanetary disk with a massive planet carving a gap.