Scott Ransom

Scott Ransom: Part 8 Nuclear Matter

Scott Ransom, an astronomer at NRAO, talks about the states of nuclear matter and how his research is changing the theories governing them.

Scott Ransom
Construction of GBT
North Libery, Iowa; Los Alamos, NM; Hancock, NH; Kitt Peak, AZ VLBA stations

Timelapse: A Weekend with the VLBA

This is a time-lapse video of four out of ten of the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) telescopes during a 72-hour period in the Spring of 2013. Clockwise: North Libery, Iowa; Los Alamos, NM; Hancock, NH; Kitt Peak, AZ.

John Findlay
Tim Pennucci

Most Massive Neutron Star Ever Found

With the Green Bank Telescope (GBT), astronomers from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory and the University of Virginia used the Shapiro Delay, a detectable phenomenon derived from General Relativity, to accurately measure a two solar mass neutron star. The consequences weigh heavily on nuclear physics.