The Milankovitch Obliquity Cycle

Earth’s J2000 obliquity is 23.44 deg and length of the axial precession cycle is c. 25,772-years.
It appears the length of the precession cycle varies by over 2000-years over half the 41.000-year Milankovitch obliquity cycle.
??? What was the length of the precession cycle c. 8700 BC when obliquity was 24.5 deg.?
??? What will the length of the precession cycle be c. 11,800 AD when obliquity will be 22.1 deg.?
I believe that you can get a better understanding of the Milankovitch obliquity cycle and how it affects Earth’s orbit using the Milankovitch orbital data viewer from Colorado State University. Hopefully this will help you visualize changes in obliquity due to this orbital affect.