ALMA Webcam

A live webcam has been placed near the center of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), at the Array Operations Site, 16,500 feet above sea level on the Chajnantor Plateau.

Note: Images on this page are the last image available and may not always be up to date.

This is a current, interactive 360 degree image from the ALMA webcam. Click and drag on the image, or use the controls at bottom, to change your vantage point or zoom in and out.

Static Panorama

A current static image from the ALMA webcam.

Static Panorama from Nighttime

In case it is daytime at ALMA when you are viewing this, we saved you this view from nighttime.

Additionally, below are a few live snapshots of some specific points of interest at ALMA.

The ALMA AOS, home to the correlator.

The mountain tops surrounding the ALMA high site.

The ALMA antennas seen at the center of the array.

The Chajnantor Plateau and some of the ALMA antennas.

Several of the tightly packed antennas near the center of the array.

A lone 12-meter ALMA antenna.

A circular "fisheye" view of the ALMA antennas.