Careers in Astronomy Which Combine Science and Art

-- August | November 13, 2023
Outflow rings of gas and dust and mass ejection of matter from the V Hya carbon star


Hello, I’m a high school graduate who’s been trying to figure out where I want to go from here-I’ve always loved astronomy and I’m now considering pursuing a career in the field. Specifically, I am also an artist, and I think I want to combine my love for art and astronomy and create images like many on this website that are artistic interpretations of astronomical observations. What are the requirements be to pursue this, what courses would I need to take? Also what’s the name for this as a profession? Thank you so much! -August

-- August


One example of how one can combine interests in both astronomy and art is to ultimately work in astronomy’s many education and public outreach activities.  I believe that a reasonable way to obtain the training necessary would be to pursue Bachelor-level degrees in both disciplines.  This would allow you to apply your knowledge of science and astronomy using your artistic skills, which specifically may involve graphic art design.

-- Jeff Mangum