
Connection Between Fanaroff-Riley Radio Galaxy Classification and Galaxy Properties

-- Jaydee | September 7, 2022
Fornax A


There are two main classifications of radio galaxies that I saw (the FR I and FR II classes). But I cannot find any information regarding their formation and what does it tell about the host galaxy. Curiously, the FR II class of radio galaxies are far more common and luminous than the FR I, which I think is very interesting. Is there an underlying mechanism (or a set of mechanisms) that prefer the formation of FR II radio galaxies? What are the information that we can get based on their classification (their black hole growth and their environments, as an example).

-- Jaydee


Let me refer you to a nice description of the Fanaroff-Riley (FR) classification and its possible connections to galaxy physical properties found on the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database.  I believe that this resource can provide the information, including additional references, that you are looking for.

-- Jeff Mangum