How Far Away From Earth Could We See the Sun with the Unaided Eye?

If I were standing on a exoplanet from another solar system and looked up at the night sky; how many light years could you make out our suns light? Basically how far can we see our suns light without the aid of an instrument if looking back?
The Sun’s absolute magnitude, which is its brightness if it were located at a distance of 10 parsecs (about 32.6 light years), is about 4.83. The human eye can see stars down to about apparent magnitude 6 or so. Using the relationship between apparent (m) and absolute (M) magnitude:
M = m – 5*log10(d(pc)) + 5
…we can calculate that our Sun’s absolute magnitude of 4.83 would appear to be as bright as a star with apparent magnitude 6 if it were at a distance of about 17.1 pc, or about 55.8 light years.