How to Calculate the Gravitation Force from a Black Hole

Could you please tell me what will be the distance from the singularity of a black hole to a point outside of the black hole where we will not feel its gravitational pull. Will it be any multiples of Schwarzschild radius?
Newton’s law of universal gravitation is as follows:
F = GMm/r^2
where F is the gravitational force (in Newtons), G is the gravitational constant (6.674×10^(-11) N·m^2/kg^2), M and m are the masses, in kilograms, of two objects experiencing a gravitational attraction from the other, and r is the distance, in meters, between the two masses M and m. You can use a nice gravitational force calculation tool to calculate when the force from a black hole would be so small so as to be undetectable. The Schwarzschild radius corresponds to the size of the event horizon in a black hole.