Inconsistency Between the Age and Diameter of the Universe

-- Jay | December 19, 2020
Diagram depicting the major milestones in the evolution of the Universe since the Big Bang


We are able to see the farthest galaxy almost 13.8 billion light years away. The scientists have estimated their current location, due to the expansion of the universe as 46.5 billion light years away, hence the diameter of the visible universe is 93 billion light years. This means that the farthest galaxies moved 30 billion light years away in 13.8 billion years. This is almost two and a half times the speed of light ! Since nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, how do you explain the paradox.

-- Jay


I believe that your question relates to the apparent inconsistency between the age and diameter of the Universe.  I have answered this question a while back.  See the information at Inconsistency Between the Age and Diameter of the Universe.

-- Jeff Mangum