Online Interactive Sky Chart?

I am 68 now, but I remember a singular evening in Spring or Summer of 1978, in Rock Creek Park, Washington, DC, when I looked up at the stars and became fascinated at the configurations.
I’ve thought in later years that it must be possible to determine which stars, constellations, etc. were there at the time.
I was in North-West D.C., in Rock Creek Park near the Connecticut Ave./Calvert Street bridges, and definitely looking due west into the skies at about a 45 degree angle…
Is there an astronomy service or perhaps some user-accessible site where I might determine this?
Thanks, anyway, for this service!
Sky and Telescope provides an online interactive sky chart that I think can provide the information you are looking for. You can enter location, date, and time to get a sky chart showing object observable with the human eye with this service.