What Support Personnel are Required to Operate the Very Large Array?

Good day Jeff,
I am studying electro physics in college,
its a field that aim at supporting physicists and engineers in the maintenance of equipment for experimentation and research.
I would like, if there is such a thing, to learn about the maintenance of radio telescope and such astrophysics instruments.
The way i see it, tough i may be wrong, is that their have to be someone on site, making sure that the instrument runs smoothly and taking care of issues.
Like some kind of radio-telescope janitor if i may say :).
I am a army veteran of 50 years old, 20 years of service and a professional computer technician with a endless curiosity and passion for science and the human kind.
I thank you in advance for any links and information you might have for me.
Thank you
Some people like to travel the world when they retire, i travel my mind, its way cheaper and i get to go much further much faster also i am home every night ! MG
Yes, indeed the Very Large Array site employs a wide range of engineers, technicians, telescope operators, and other support staff to keep the instrument running smoothly. A list of some of these personnel and the jobs that they do will give you a sense of what it takes to operate a radio telescope array like the Very Large Array.