Starless Cloud Cores

This image shows the ALMA data overlaid on an artist’s impression background. The ALMA data show two main cores as imaged by emission from the molecular ion N2D+ (two nitrogen and one deuterium atom). The core on the right is particularly bright and rounded, suggesting it is self-gravitating and poised to form a massive, single star – a very rare occurrence in star formation. The other core appears more distorted and fragmented, potentially leading to the formation of multiple lower-mass stars. This fragmentation is a normal process in star-forming clouds.
Credit: B. Saxton & A. Angelich (NRAO/AUI/NSF); ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO)
Technical Details | |
Telescope | ALMA |
Band | N2D+ |
Date | - |
Center | RA: 1:53:17.91, Dec: 67:00:39 |
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