The Center of our Milky Way Galaxy

Through the layers of dust that shroud the center of our galaxy from optical telescopes lurks a complex hub of activity. In this wide field Very Large Array (VLA) image, the supermassive black hole in the center of our Galaxy shines brightly in radio waves. Surrounding it are the winds and rivers of material caught in its gravitiational and magnetic wakes. Bubbles of star-formation and supernovas scatter around.
Credit: Composite by B. Saxton using data from N.E. Kassim, T.J.W. Lazio, T.N. Larosa, D.S. Briggs; NRAO/AUI/NSF
Technical Details | |
Telescope | 2MASS; 2MASS; 2MASS; VLA |
Band | I; I; I; P |
Date | 2012-04-16T12:49:17-04:00; 2012-04-16T12:48:48-04:00; 2012-04-16T12:49:49-04:00; 1989-03-18 |
Center | RA: 17:45:40, Dec: -29:00:27 |
Field of View | 113.8 x 93.38 arcminutes |
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