Warped Disk of Galaxy UGC 3697

The “Integral Sign” galaxy, UGC 3697 is an edge-on spiral galaxy with an unusually pronounced warp in both its stellar and gaseous disks. The neutral Hydrogen gas, represented in blue, is overlaid on an optical image of the stars of the galaxy. Unlike in normal spiral galaxies, the brightest concentration of neutral Hydrogen is not found near the center of UGC 3697 but along its western edge, where the Very Large Array (VLA) has detected a bright, extended region of emission. In addition, plumes of gas extend to considerable height above and below the disk of the galaxy.
Credit: NRAO/AUI/NSF, Image copyright J. M. Uson (NRAO), observers L. D. Matthews (CfA), J. M. Uson (NRAO)
Technical Details | |
Telescope | VLA; Schmidt |
Band | L; W |
Date | 2000-05-28; 2017-03-15T09:15:35-04:00 |
Center | RA: 7:11:22.54, Dec: 71:50:10.94 |
Field of View | 6.4 x 5.7 arcminutes |
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