Baseline #11 – Finding Planets That Have No Star


Most planets orbit a star, but some planets can escape and “go rogue.” But how do astronomers study planets that wander the cold dark of interstellar space?

Join our host, Summer Ash of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, as she talks about how radio astronomers study rogue planets.


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About the Author:
Amy C. Oliver CPM, FRAS, is the Public Information & News Manager for the National Radio Astronomy Observatory and the Public Information Officer for the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). Amy is a board member at large for the Historical Astronomy Division of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), a Regional Director-International on the board of the National Emerging Museum Professionals Network (NEMPN), and a committee member on the Strategic Planning Council for the Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums (ATALM). She is a recognized dark-sky and astronomy advocate, and her advocacy work in this arena led to her election as a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society (FRAS) in 2021. Amy holds a bachelor of science in Mass Communication from the University of Louisiana-Lafayette, a master of science in Museology from the University of Oklahoma, and a certification in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion from the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. Amy additionally is a Certified Public Manager (CPM) and a certified Social Media Marketing Manager. She is the creator of three internationally recognized public science education programs: Hablemos de Astronomía, Lib(r)ations, and International Livestream Star Party, and is known for her public science education work both as a NASA/JPL Solar System Ambassador and as Nerdy Astronomer. ORC-ID: 0000-0002-8950-5552

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