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Showing news items 1181 - 834 of 834
Radio galaxies seen in VLSS
Sky Survey Provides New Radio View of Universe
October 20, 2004 at 7:49 pm | News Release

Astronomers using the National Science Foundation’s Very Large Array have overcome longstanding technical hurdles to map the sky at little-explored radio frequencies that may provide a tantalizing look deep into the early Universe.

Infographic on complex molecule production in space
Cold Sugar in Space Provides Clue to the Molecular Origin of Life
September 20, 2004 at 7:42 pm | News Release

Astronomers using the National Science Foundation’s giant Green Bank Telescope have discovered a frigid reservoir of simple sugar molecules in a cloud of gas and dust some 26,000 light-years away, near the center of our Milky Way Galaxy.

Microquasar LSI +61 303
Stellar Pair Shot Out from Its Birthplace
July 27, 2004 at 7:39 pm | News Release

Astronomers studying data from the National Science Foundation’s Very Long Baseline Array and other telescopes have concluded that a binary pair of stars forming an energetic microquasar was blasted out of the cluster in which it was born by a supernova.

Diagrams of propanal and propenal.
Scientists Discover Two New Interstellar Molecules
June 21, 2004 at 7:34 pm | News Release

A team of scientists using the National Science Foundation’s Green Bank Telescope has discovered two new molecules in an interstellar cloud near the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.

An artist's impression of Supernova 1986J.
Radio Telescopes Reveal Youngest Stellar Corpse
June 10, 2004 at 7:29 pm | News Release

Astronomers using a global combination of radio telescopes to study a stellar explosion some 30 million light-years from Earth have likely discovered either the youngest black hole or the youngest neutron star known in the Universe.

HST and radio image of M51
Gas Clouds in Arms of Whirlpool Galaxy
June 3, 2004 at 7:23 pm | News Release

Astronomers studying gas clouds in the famous Whirlpool Galaxy have found important clues supporting a theory that seeks to explain how the spectacular spiral arms of galaxies can persist for billions of years. The astronomers applied techniques used to study similar gas clouds in our own Milky Way to those in the spiral arms of a neighbor galaxy for the first time, and their results bolster a theory first proposed in 1964.

Showing news items 1181 - 834 of 834