The U.S. National Science Foundation National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NSF NRAO) and Associated Universities, Inc. (AUI) are proud to celebrate the remarkable achievements of two local students, Iris and Camila, as they embark on their journeys into STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) careers.
Select :
aasactive galactic nucleusALMAanniversaryARDCasteroidasteroidsAtacamaAtacama Large Millimeter/submillmeter arrayAUIaui programAUI Scholarshipawardsbaselinebinarybinary starsblack holeblack holesblazarBroader Impactsbrown dwarfCaltechcasaCDLcensusCentral Development Laboratorycfachandracoma berenicesComa clustercometscosmic explosioncosmologyCSOdead galaxyDecadal Surveydeep fielddeep field imagingdftaudistant galaxydiversityearly universeEHTEMSequityeventexoplanetexoplanetsfast radio burstFast Radio Burstsflarefotaufrbgalaxiesgalaxies mergergalaxygalaxy clustergalexgamma ray burstgbogbtgravitational lensgravitational wavesgreen bank observatorygreen bank telescopeH20HAM Radiohelical magnetic fieldhonorsHubbleHugheshvachydrogenimage contestinclusioninternational women's dayIoJansky FellowshipsJansky Lecturejetjet collimationjetsJupiterLeroyLGBTlocal oscillatorlow noise amplifierm83M87magnetarMagnetarsmagnetic fieldsmaserMilky Waymolecular cloudsmoumtexNACnasaNational Astronomy ConsortiumNational Science Foundationnear earth objectsNEOsneutron starsneutron-star mergerngVLANINENMnraoNRQZNSFNSF NRAOODIopen houseOrionparkes radio observatorypawseypeoplePHANGSplanetary defensePlanetary Radarplanetary scienceplasmaPostdoctoral researchPRIDEprotoplanetary diskprotoplanetsprotostarsprotostellar jetPROVOCAproxima centauripulsarqorvoquasarradarradio telescoperam pressure strippingraytheonreceiverREUSchinnererscholarshipscience casesSETIsgrASMBHsoftwareSolar Systemspiral galaxiesstar deathstar factorystar formationstarbirthstarsstellar flarestellar nurseriesSTEMsummer researchsupernovasupernova remnanttidal disruption eventstradestradesmenunmusnovery large arrayvery long baseline arrayviaVLAvlassVLBAwater

Largest Telescope Array in North America Under Development by NRAO With Support from UNM
Through this partnership, NRAO and UNM will explore the potential of establishing the UNM College of Arts & Sciences’ Department of Physics & Astronomy as a host site for the ngVLA Data Processing and Science Operations Center.

AUI and the NRAO Announce the Recipients of the 2023 AUI Board of Trustees NAC Bridge Scholarship Award
AUI and NRAO have announced the recipients of the 2023 AUI Board of Trustees NAC Bridge Scholarship Award, which recognizes the academic accomplishments of National Astronomy Consortium (NAC) alums and assists them in the transition from undergraduate to graduate programs.

Nine Children of NRAO Staff Among Recipients of 2021 AUI Scholarship
Fourteen outstanding high school seniors were selected for the AUI 2021 Scholarship—including 9 children of NRAO staff. Each scholarship awardee will receive a $3,500 scholarship, renewable for up to four years.