A West Virginia high-school student analyzing data from a giant radio telescope has discovered a new astronomical object — a strange type of neutron star called a rotating radio transient.
Missing Link Revealing Fast-Spinning Pulsar Mysteries
Astronomers have discovered a unique double-star system that represents a missing link stage in what they believe is the birth process of the most rapidly-spinning stars in the Universe — millisecond pulsars.
Unique Stellar System Gives Einstein a Thumbs-Up
Taking advantage of a unique cosmic coincidence, astronomers have measured an effect predicted by Albert Einstein’s theory of General Relativity in the extremely strong gravity of a pair of superdense neutron stars.
Luck Reveals Stellar Explosion’s First Moments
Through a stroke of luck, astronomers have witnessed the first violent moments of a stellar explosion known as a supernova.
Weird Stellar Pair Puzzles Scientists
Astronomers have discovered a speedy spinning pulsar in an elongated orbit around an apparent Sun-like star, a combination never seen before, and one that has them puzzled about how the strange system developed.
Youngest Stellar Explosion in Our Galaxy Discovered
Astronomers have found the remains of the youngest supernova, or exploded star, in our Galaxy.