Grote Reber, one of the earliest pioneers of radio astronomy, died in Tasmania on December 20, just two days shy of his 91st birthday.
Socorro Students Translate NRAO Web Pages Into Spanish
Six Socorro High School students are spending their summer working at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory on a unique project that gives them experience in language translation, World Wide Web design, and technical communication.
Astronaut Returns Space-Flown Flag to NRAO
A NASA Astronaut who carried a flag bearing the logo of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory on last month’s Shuttle flight returned that flag to the observatory on Friday, April 12, at a ceremony in Socorro.
National Science Board Approves VLA Expansion
The National Science Board, the governing body for the National Science Foundation (NSF), has approved an expansion project for the Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope in New Mexico.
Flags Across America Comes to the VLA
The National Radio Astronomy Observatory hosted the runners and support personnel of the Americans United Flag Across America run as the transcontinental memorial and fundraising effort came through New Mexico.
New Head of New Mexico Operations Announced
The National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) has named Jim Ulvestad the new Assistant Director for New Mexico Operations in Socorro, New Mexico, effective December 15.