The United States and Canada intend to collaborate on two of the most important radio astronomy projects of the new century — the Atacama Large Millimeter Array and the Expanded Very Large Array.
Radio Astronomy Celebrations
In Socorro, New Mexico, the observatory will celebrate the 20th anniversary of its famed Very Large Array (VLA), and in Green Bank, West Virginia, officials will formally dedicate the new Green Bank Telescope (GBT), the world’s largest fully-steerable dish antenna.
20th Anniversary of the VLA
On August 23, scientists will mark the 20th anniversary of the National Science Foundation’s Very Large Array, the most powerful, flexible and widely-used radio telescope in the world.
Astronomers Win Protection for Key Part of Radio Spectrum
Astronomers using the millimeter-wave region of the radio spectrum have won crucial protection for their science.
National Panel Strongly Endorses VLA Upgrade Plan
A project to expand the National Science Foundation’s famed Very Large Array radio telescope has received strong endorsement from a prestigious national panel of astronomers given the task of setting priorities for astronomical projects in the next decade.
National Academy of Science Continues Support of ALMA Project
A distinguished panel of scientists today announced their support for the continued funding of the Atacama Large Millimeter Array Project at a press conference given by the National Academy of Sciences.