David Heeschen

David Sutphin Heeschen became the third NRAO employee in 1957. Heeschen was Chair of the NRAO Astronomy Department, then NRAO Acting Director from 1961-1962, and finally Director from 1962-1978. Under his Directorship, the 140-foot and 300-foot telescopes and the interferometer were completed in Green Bank, the 36-foot telescope was built in Tucson, and the Very Large Array (VLA) in New Mexico was planned and designed. Heeschen was later Assistant Director for Tucson Operations, Assistant Director for Socorro Operations, and then Acting Project Manager during the initial phases the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) project until his 1991 retirement. To this day, the NRAO follows Heeschen’s “Open Skies” policy, whereby any competent scientist may propose for time on our telescopes.