The 2022 Jansky Lectureship, an honor recognizing outstanding contributions to radio astronomy, has been awarded to Professor Françoise Combes, Chair of Galaxies and Cosmology at the College of France and Astronomer at the Paris Observatory. She will deliver the lecture, “Symbiosis between black holes and galaxies,” in Charlottesville, VA, Green Bank, WV, and Socorro, NM, in February of 2023.

NRAO Researcher Receives Prestigious Engineering Award
An NRAO researcher is receiving an engineering award for an innovative development that is improving radio telescope performance and also is benefitting numerous other fields.

NRAO Congratulates Winners of Breakthrough Prize Awards
The National Radio Astronomy Observatory congratulates four astronomers who earned Breakthrough Prize Foundation awards for their outstanding research on a collision between two neutron stars. Their work made extensive use of the VLA and VLBA.

NSF Awards Funding for Next-Generation VLA Antenna Development
The National Science Foundation has awarded NRAO $23 Million for design and development work on the Next Generation Very Large Array, a project proposed as one of the world’s next generation of cutting-edge astronomical research facilities. The award includes funding for producing a prototype antenna for this new radio telescope system.

2021 Jansky Lectureship Awarded to Mexican Astronomer
The 2021 Jansky Lectureship has been awarded to Professor Luis F. Rodriguez of the National University of Mexico, in recognition of his accomplishments as a scientist, an educator, a popularizer of astronomy and a mentor to a generation of radio astronomers.

NRAO Jansky Fellow Kazunori Akiyama Receives 2020 ASJ Young Astronomer Award
Kazunori Akiyama, a Jansky Fellow of NRAO at MIT Haystack Observatory, has received the 2020 Young Astronomer Award from the Astronomical Society of Japan for his contributions to the first-ever images of a black hole.