IMAGE RELEASE: Cosmic Lens Reveals Faint Radio Galaxy

Astronomers using the VLA took advantage of the gravitational lensing provided by a distant cluster of galaxies to detect an even more-distant galaxy that probably is the faintest radio-emitting object ever found.

IMAGE RELEASE: Galaxies in the Perseus Cluster

New VLA images show how the crowded environment of a cluster of galaxies affects the individual galaxies, helping astronomers better understand some of the complex details of such an environment.

NRAO Contest Winners Illustrate Diverse Cosmic Phenomena

Winners in NRAO’s VLA 40th Anniversary Image Contest are from around the world, and their works illustrate a fascinating variety of celestial objects. Entries combined observational data from the VLA with data from optical, infrared, and X-ray telescopes, and from computer simulations.

A Weakened Black Hole Allows its Galaxy to Awaken

Astronomers have found the first example of a galaxy cluster where large numbers of stars are being born at its core. The discovery revealed new details of how supermassive black holes affect their host galaxies.