Radio-telescope images have revealed previously-unseen galactic cannibalism — a triggering event that leads to feeding frenzies by gigantic black holes at the cores of galaxies.
Mining for Molecules in the Milky Way
Scientists are using the giant Green Bank Telescope to go prospecting in a rich molecular cloud in our Milky Way Galaxy.
Massive Gas Cloud Speeding Toward Collision With Milky Way
A giant cloud of hydrogen gas is speeding toward a collision with our Milky Way Galaxy, and when it hits — in less than 40 million years — it may set off a spectacular burst of stellar fireworks.
New Hydrogen Clouds in M81 Cluster
A composite radio-optical image shows five new clouds of hydrogen gas discovered using the National Science Foundation’s Green Bank Telescope.
New VLA Images Unlocking Galactic Mysteries
Astronomers have produced a scientific gold mine of detailed, high-quality images of nearby galaxies that is yielding important new insights into many aspects of galaxies, including their complex structures, how they form stars, the motions of gas in the galaxies, the relationship of normal matter to unseen dark matter, and many others.
New View of Distant Galaxy Reveals Furious Star Formation
A furious rate of star formation discovered in a distant galaxy shows that galaxies in the early Universe developed either much faster or in a different way from what astronomers have thought.