Using data from ALMA, a team of astronomers studied the growth and evolution of bubbles of hot plasma produced by active quasar HE 0515-4414. The bubble was analyzed by observing its effect on light from the cosmic microwave background. It is the first time this method was used to study quasar dynamics.
VLBA Returning to NRAO, Getting Technical Upgrade
After two years as an independent facility, the VLBA once again is part of the NRAO, and will get a significant technical upgrade.
First Science with ALMA’s Highest-Frequency Capabilities
Band 10, ALMA’s highest frequency vision, has given scientists a new view of jets of warm water vapor streaming away from a newly forming star and uncovered an astonishing assortment of molecules.
Observatory Receives Funds to Repair St. Croix Radio Telescope
The National Science Foundation has provided funding to repair damage to the Very Long Baseline Array station on St. Croix caused by Hurricane Maria in 2017.
ALMA Reaches 1000 Published Papers
An important milestone was reached with the publication of the 1000th peer-reviewed paper using ALMA data.
Protected: Former ALMA Prototype Antenna Finds New Life as Greenland Telescope
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