Suzanne (Suzy) Gurton, NRAO’s Assistant Director for Education and Public Outreach, has been named the 2022 recipient of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific’s prestigious Klumpke-Roberts Award. The award recognizes outstanding contributions to the public understanding and appreciation of astronomy.
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aasactive galactic nucleusALMAanniversaryARDCasteroidasteroidsAtacamaAtacama Large Millimeter/submillmeter arrayAUIaui programAUI Scholarshipawardsbaselinebinarybinary starsblack holeblack holesblazarBroader Impactsbrown dwarfCaltechcasaCDLcensusCentral Development Laboratorycfachandracoma berenicesComa clustercometscosmic explosioncosmologyCSOdead galaxyDecadal Surveydeep fielddeep field imagingdftaudistant galaxydiversityearly universeEHTEMSequityeventexoplanetexoplanetsfast radio burstFast Radio Burstsflarefotaufrbgalaxiesgalaxies mergergalaxygalaxy clustergalexgamma ray burstgbogbtgravitational lensgravitational wavesgreen bank observatorygreen bank telescopeH20HAM Radiohelical magnetic fieldhonorsHubbleHugheshvachydrogenimage contestinclusioninternational women's dayIoJansky FellowshipsJansky Lecturejetjet collimationjetsJupiterLeroyLGBTlocal oscillatorlow noise amplifierm83M87magnetarMagnetarsmagnetic fieldsmaserMilky Waymolecular cloudsmoumtexNACnasaNational Astronomy ConsortiumNational Science Foundationnear earth objectsNEOsneutron starsneutron-star mergerngVLANINENMnraoNRQZNSFNSF NRAOODIopen houseOrionparkes radio observatorypawseypeoplePHANGSplanetary defensePlanetary Radarplanetary scienceplasmaPostdoctoral researchPRIDEprotoplanetary diskprotoplanetsprotostarsprotostellar jetPROVOCAproxima centauripulsarqorvoquasarradarradio telescoperam pressure strippingraytheonreceiverREUSchinnererscholarshipscience casesSETIsgrASMBHsoftwareSolar Systemspiral galaxiesstar deathstar factorystar formationstarbirthstarsstellar flarestellar nurseriesSTEMsummer researchsupernovasupernova remnanttidal disruption eventstradestradesmenunmusnovery large arrayvery long baseline arrayviaVLAvlassVLBAwater

Children of NRAO Staff Among Recipients of 2022 AUI Scholarship
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NRAO Congratulates Winners of Breakthrough Prize Awards
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AAS Names NRAO Astronomer as Fred Kavli Plenary Lecturer
NRAO astronomer Paul B. Demorest has been selected to give the Fred Kavli Plenary Lecture at the 237th meeting of the American Astronomical Society, to be held virtually, on 11 January 2021.

2019 Jansky Lectureship Awarded to Caltech Professor
Dr. Anneila Sargent of Caltech is honored for her research accomplishments, leadership in the astronomical community, and mentoring of younger scientists.