The National Radio Astronomy Observatory has named Dr. Patricia (Trish) Henning as its next Assistant Director for New Mexico Operations. In that role, she will lead the operations of the Very Large Array, the Very Long Baseline Array, and the Domenici Science Operations Center in Socorro, NM.
Invisible Colors: Why Astronomers Use Different Radio Bands
Radio light is invisible to our eyes, so it’s easy to think of all radio light as the same. But radio is filled with colors, just as the colors of visible light we can see, and radio astronomy is at its most powerful when we use all the colors of its rainbow.
NSF Awards Funding for Next-Generation VLA Antenna Development
The National Science Foundation has awarded NRAO $23 Million for design and development work on the Next Generation Very Large Array, a project proposed as one of the world’s next generation of cutting-edge astronomical research facilities. The award includes funding for producing a prototype antenna for this new radio telescope system.
NRAO Selects Contractor for Next-Generation VLA Antenna Development
The National Radio Astronomy Observatory has selected a contractor to develop a production-ready design and build a prototype antenna for the Next Generation Very Large Array (ngVLA). The ngVLA is proposed as an array of 263 dish antennas spread across North America to form a cutting-edge scientific tool for the coming decades.
Featured Video: Mapping the Radio Sky
The Very Large Array can’t image a big section of sky all at once. Instead, it must scan the sky over time. The VLA Sky Survey is using this method to create a map of nearly 80% of the observable sky. Join our host Summer Ash of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory as she talks about how the VLA is taking the time to see the big picture of the radio sky.
VIDEO: Multi-wavelength Observations Reveal Impact of Black Hole on M87 Galaxy
New multi-wavelength observations mounted by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) collaboration across the entire electromagnetic spectrum have provided new insight into the impact of the black hole at the core of galaxy M87 on its immediate, and not so immediate, surroundings.