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Search Terms: "ngvla"

Showing results 41 - 46 of 46
NRAO, SETI Institute Agree on New Research Programs
NRAO, SETI Institute Agree on New Research Programs
February 11, 2020 at 1:25 pm | Announcement

NRAO and the SETI Institute will develop a new system to provide VLA data to an advanced signal processor that will seek to detect signs of extraterrestrial technologies.

Antenna Design for the Next Generation Very Large Array
Antenna Design for the Next Generation Very Large Array
December 12, 2019 at 9:00 am | Announcement

The NRAO has awarded three contracts for the conceptual design of the 18m antenna for the next-generation Very Large Array (ngVLA).

New NSF Support Agreement for Next Generation Very Large Array
New NSF Support Agreement for Next Generation Very Large Array
October 9, 2019 at 8:30 am | Announcement

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded an additional $4M to the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) and Associated…

VLA Makes First Direct Image of Key Feature of Powerful Radio Galaxies
VLA Makes First Direct Image of Key Feature of Powerful Radio Galaxies
April 2, 2019 at 1:19 pm | News Release

A dusty, doughnut-shaped feature long thought to be an essential part of the “engines” at the cores of active galaxies, is seen for the first time in one of the most powerful galaxies in the Universe.

ngVLA Logo
NRAO Contracts for Specialized Integrated Circuit for New Radio Telescope
February 15, 2018 at 4:26 pm | Announcement

Using new funding from the National Science Foundation, NRAO has contracted with a firm to design and build an integrated circuit that implements an NRAO-developed technique to greatly improve the efficiency of data transmission for a next-generation radio telescope.

Artist's conception of ngVLA
Next-generation U.S. Radio Telescope Development Begins
September 14, 2017 at 3:11 pm | Announcement

NRAO and AUI are launching development of a new radio-telescope system with the advanced capabilities to answer critical scientific questions of the coming decades.

Showing results 41 - 46 of 46