New images of a young star made with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) reveal what scientists think may be the very earliest stages in the formation of planets.
ALMA Spots Baby Star’s Growing Blanket
ALMA distinguishes between protostar disk and infalling gas.
VLA Reveals Dramatic New Evidence About Star and Planet Formation
A detailed study of young stars and their surroundings has produced dramatic new evidence about how multiple-star systems form and how the dusty disks that are the raw material for planets grow around young stars.
Twisted Magnetic Fields Give New Insights on Star Formation
Using new images that show unprecedented detail, scientists have found that material rotating around a very young protostar probably has dragged in and twisted magnetic fields from the larger area surrounding the star.
ALMA dwarf star magnetic powerhouse
ALMA finds cool, dim dwarf star is super magnet.
Image Release: Protostar Growth Spurts
Jets from protostar reveal episodic growth spurts.