The sharp radio “vision” of the VLBA gives astronomers a detailed look at a galaxy as it appeared when the Universe was a small fraction of its current age, giving clues about conditions at that early time.
Astronomers See Distant Eruption as Black Hole Destroys Star
Years-long observation program surprises astronomers with evidence of a star’s violent death near the core of a distant galaxy.
ALMA Finds Most-Distant Oxygen in the Universe
ALMA detects signature of oxygen from galaxy 13.28 billion light-years away
Astronomers Witness Galaxy Megamerger
ALMA has uncovered 14 distant galaxies that are poised to merge, forming the core of what will eventually become a colossal galaxy cluster.
Astronomers Detect Whirlpool Movement in Early Galaxies
Astronomers have looked back to a time soon after the Big Bang, and have discovered swirling gas in some of the earliest galaxies to have formed in the Universe. These ‘newborns’ – observed as they appeared nearly 13 billion years ago – spun like a whirlpool, similar to our own Milky Way.
Massive Primordial Galaxies Found Swimming in Vast Ocean of Dark Matter
New ALMA observations push back the epoch of massive-galaxy formation even further by identifying two giant galaxies seen when the universe was only 780 million years old, or about 5 percent its current age.