The Event Horizon Telescope observed the finest detail ever seen in a jet produced by a supermassive black hole. Quasar 3C 279 contains a black hole about one billion times more massive than our Sun. Twin fire-hose-like jets of plasma erupt from the black hole and disk system at velocities close to the speed of light: a consequence of the enormous forces unleashed as matter descends into the black hole’s immense gravity.
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2i/BorisovAAS241AAS242AAS243almaantaresArchivesastrophotographersAstropixatmosphereblack holeblack holesbrown dwarfCASAcometConnectcosmologydata sciencedeuterium flashdiskDr Suessevent horizon telescopeexoplanetsexplorerfast blue optical transientsfireworksgalaxiesgalaxygalaxy ecosystemsgamma ray burstgreen bankgreenbank telescopeHubble ConstantImageinterstellar cometmagneticMajor InitiativesmeerKATneutron starngvlaNINEODIpoemProtoplanetaryprotoplanetary diskpulsarsradio astronomysagittarius A*satellitesspecial-featuresSt. Croixstarstar birthstar clusterstyle-pagesupernovasupernovaetelescopeTourstransientsVideoVLAVLA Learn Morevla visit pageVLBA