The VLA is the most advanced radio telescope array on Earth, a customizable interferometer that spans up to 22 miles across.
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2i/BorisovAAS241AAS242AAS243almaantaresArchivesastrophotographersAstropixatmosphereblack holeblack holesbrown dwarfCASAcometConnectcosmologydata sciencedeuterium flashdiskDr Suessevent horizon telescopeexoplanetsexplorerfast blue optical transientsfireworksgalaxiesgalaxygalaxy ecosystemsgamma ray burstgreen bankgreenbank telescopeHubble ConstantImageinterstellar cometmagneticMajor InitiativesmeerKATneutron starngvlaNINEODIpoemProtoplanetaryprotoplanetary diskpulsarsradio astronomysagittarius A*satellitesspecial-featuresSt. Croixstarstar birthstar clusterstyle-pagesupernovasupernovaetelescopeTourstransientsVideoVLAVLA Learn Morevla visit pageVLBA

The VLA Explorer
Welcome to central New Mexico where the National Radio Astronomy Observatory operates the world’s most versatile radio telescope, the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array. Here, we have put together a collection of exclusive video tours we call the VLA Explorer.