Artist impression of the interstellar comet 2I/Borisov as it travels through our solar system. This mysterious visitor from the depths of space is the first conclusively identified comet from another star. The comet consists of a loose agglomeration of ices and dust particles, and is likely no more than 3,200 feet across, about the length of nine football fields. Gas is ejected out of the comet as it approaches the Sun and is heated up.
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2i/BorisovAAS241AAS242AAS243almaantaresArchivesastrophotographersAstropixatmosphereblack holeblack holesbrown dwarfCASAcometConnectcosmologydata sciencedeuterium flashdiskDr Suessevent horizon telescopeexoplanetsexplorerfast blue optical transientsfireworksgalaxiesgalaxygalaxy ecosystemsgamma ray burstgreen bankgreenbank telescopeHubble ConstantImageinterstellar cometmagneticMajor InitiativesmeerKATneutron starngvlaNINEODIpoemProtoplanetaryprotoplanetary diskpulsarsradio astronomysagittarius A*satellitesspecial-featuresSt. Croixstarstar birthstar clusterstyle-pagesupernovasupernovaetelescopeTourstransientsVideoVLAVLA Learn Morevla visit pageVLBA