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Search Terms: VLA

Showing results 31 - 40 of 229
VIDEO: Multi-wavelength Observations Reveal Impact of Black Hole on M87 Galaxy
VIDEO: Multi-wavelength Observations Reveal Impact of Black Hole on M87 Galaxy
April 14, 2021 at 5:00 am | News Release

New multi-wavelength observations mounted by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) collaboration across the entire electromagnetic spectrum have provided new insight into the impact of the black hole at the core of galaxy M87 on its immediate, and not so immediate, surroundings.

IMAGE RELEASE: Cosmic Lens Reveals Faint Radio Galaxy
IMAGE RELEASE: Cosmic Lens Reveals Faint Radio Galaxy
March 16, 2021 at 10:00 am | News Release

Astronomers using the VLA took advantage of the gravitational lensing provided by a distant cluster of galaxies to detect an even more-distant galaxy that probably is the faintest radio-emitting object ever found.

Most Distant Cosmic Jet Providing Clues About Early Universe
Most Distant Cosmic Jet Providing Clues About Early Universe
March 8, 2021 at 8:00 am | News Release

Astronomers using the VLA and VLBA have found the most distant cosmic jet yet discovered, material propelled at nearly the speed of light by a supermassive black hole in the core of a galaxy some 13 billion light-years from Earth.

Tidal Disruption Event
VLA Helps Astronomers Make New Discoveries About Star-Shredding Events
February 22, 2021 at 11:00 am | News Feature

New studies using the VLA and other telescopes have added to our knowledge of what happens when a black hole shreds a star, but also have raised new questions that astronomers must tackle.

Photo of ten VLA antennas pointing at a cloudy sky at twilight.
The Very Large Array: Astronomical Shapeshifter
January 21, 2021 at 1:19 pm | News Feature

When the Very Large Array was completed forty years ago, it was a different kind of radio telescope. Rather…

VLA Sky Survey Reveals Newborn Jets in Distant Galaxies
VLA Sky Survey Reveals Newborn Jets in Distant Galaxies
November 19, 2020 at 10:00 am | News Release

Comparing data from VLA sky surveys made some two decades apart revealed that the black hole-powered “engines” at the cores of some distant galaxies have launched new, superfast jets of material during the interval between the surveys.

IMAGE RELEASE: Galaxies in the Perseus Cluster
IMAGE RELEASE: Galaxies in the Perseus Cluster
November 12, 2020 at 10:00 am | News Release

New VLA images show how the crowded environment of a cluster of galaxies affects the individual galaxies, helping astronomers better understand some of the complex details of such an environment.

Featured Video: The Very Large Array at 40
Featured Video: The Very Large Array at 40
October 7, 2020 at 9:07 am | News Feature

Join our host Melissa Hoffman as she talks about the history of the VLA and some of the remarkable objects it has discovered!

NRAO Contest Winners Illustrate Diverse Cosmic Phenomena
NRAO Contest Winners Illustrate Diverse Cosmic Phenomena
October 6, 2020 at 8:00 am | News Room

Winners in NRAO’s VLA 40th Anniversary Image Contest are from around the world, and their works illustrate a fascinating variety of celestial objects. Entries combined observational data from the VLA with data from optical, infrared, and X-ray telescopes, and from computer simulations.

VLA Marks 40 Years at the Frontier of Science
VLA Marks 40 Years at the Frontier of Science
October 5, 2020 at 8:00 am | News Release

The Very Large Array (VLA) turns 40 years old on October 10, and the National Radio Astronomy Observatory is hosting a day-long virtual celebration that day.

Showing results 31 - 40 of 229