Glossary of Radio Astronomy Terms
Vernal Equinox:
The spring equinox that occurs on March 20
Very Large Array:
The Very Large Array is a customizable interferometer that varies between 2/3 of a mile to 22 miles long depending on the time of year. It is considered to be one of the most advanced radio telescope arrays on Earth with 28 antennas in Socorro, New Mexico.
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Variable Star:
A star whose brightness varies with time.
Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA):
An array of 10, 25 meter radio telescopes that stretches 8000km (5,000 miles) across North America.

Visible Light:
The wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation that are visible to the naked eye.

Visible spectrum:
The range of wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum perceptible by the human eye.

Visual binary:
A binary system visible to the human eye through a telescope
Visual magnitude:
The apparent magnitude of a celestial object in the color region where the human eye is most sensitive.